Retro-Rallye Business mit Polaroids
A retro and team-building experience, as well as an original add-on to our riddle rallies, is our Polaroid activity. Unique photos are captured as a team. As there is only one attempt for each photo, it is important to communicate with each other and work as a team.
Every team (4 – 6 people) receives an original Polaroid instant camera with flash and 1 film in addition to the rally documents. The task is to take unique pictures based on 8 given themes.
Our Polaroids can only be booked in combination with a “Business Rally for Vienna Explorers” or “Business Rally for Vienna Experts“!
For groups of up to 30 people, feel free to book immediately using our ticket shop and select the number of Polaroids you would like via additional products. For larger groups we kindly ask you to use our booking form. Simply click on Polaroids in Extras. If you have any questions, you can also send us an e-mail.